Oaxaca by Evan La Ruffa

One word: amazing.

In Oaxaca, art is in everything.

Every door, facade, street corner, in galleries, in kitchens, by the roadside, up above you in the form of papel picado and in the warmth of the people.

We spent 5 days there researching it for a potential move… a move that looks more real. 5 months next year.

To switch things up, slow things down, make art, and push on the next phase of IPMM and my own artwork.

The fall drop will include works I made in Oaxaca and Mexico City… and if you need recommendations on great food and art in either Oaxaca or Mexico City, these links will do you right.

10.10 is coming soon… more art updates to come…

Fall Drop ... 10/10/24 by Evan La Ruffa

I will be previewing artwork I have been making in advance of a fall drop…

Gonna release work in batches… it’s here, and then it isn’t!

Collections, batches, series… ya know! Like with like, so you can buy more than one. This work I just posted was from the night series I shot in LA recently. An awesome turning point for the direction of my work, for sure.

I just posted the next 6 in that first batch of 7 for the fall drop.

Check them out!

Ups and downs + night shots by Evan La Ruffa

….. I know I am trying to moderate between them with more ease.

Sometimes I feel like I am ping ponging between feeling unstoppable and supremely stopped.

But I bet most of us have some version of that.

I just recently, as in, over the last few years, realized that I have anxiety. I just never thought of myself as an anxious person, but I also think it was the product of youth. Being a dad changes who you’re living for.

That said, if I’m honest, I haven’t always been super forward-facing about my challenges. I have often been vocal about the things I like to celebrate or view positively. Again, another thing I think many of us do.

But the reality is that I have the same insecurities all of us do.

But my animal brain still tricks me. There’s no lion hunting me, but shit, sometimes it sure feels like it.

I’ll begin previewing a batch of photos I shot in downtown LA last week… at night. I am super excited about the low light and what has come of these works.

Check those out on my Instagram… I posted the 1st one yesterday and I plan on releasing 1/1’s of each of them in a single drop, likely in early October.

I love y’all.

When in doubt… by Evan La Ruffa

Don’t buy art as a financial investment vehicle…

Buy it as an emotional investment.

The World Health Organization reported that participation in arts can reduce depression and anxiety by 30% and 40%, respectively.

Not bad for a non-medical solution.

We often think of blue chip art as a way the wealthy diversify, but don’t consider why a single piece of art could fetch millions of dollars in the 1st place…

Because of its power.

Because of emotions provoked… by so many people, then supply & demand does its magic.

When in doubt, and as a reminder…

If you need some uplift… ART!

My next art show... 7/27/24 by Evan La Ruffa

Saturday, July 27th from 6-9pm at Storm Print City Gallery in Evanston, IL.

2601 Prairie Avenue, to be exact.

There will be new work, some classic work, exclusive merch, drinks, live printing, and more… we don’t know exactly… we’re open to serendipity.

The text below is part of a design Russ adn I are releasing in limited quantities on premium shirts.


art won’t buy itself SO

be the change you hope to see


put your money where your mouth is

because we need you AND

art needs you


each piece of art you purchase is an investment

in A future where

beauty AND community matters


Follow me on Instagram for previews of new work that will be in the show!

ART is... by Evan La Ruffa

ART is...

All the songs you have ever played on repeat.
All the movies whose scripts you've basically memorized.
All the concerts at which you both lost your mind and found your booty.
All the fly clothing that has ever been worn.
All the incredible museums that have ever existed.
Every beautiful building ever designed and built.
Every mural you've ever walked past.
Every street musician that stopped you in your tracks.
Every asset ever designed with color, shape, and text.

How valuable is art? You tell me...

What is art? EVERYTHING.

My Artist Statement + by Evan La Ruffa

For all my life, really, I have made art. Illustrations as a kid, which gave way to a lot of writing, then the visual arts after college with illustration and line work, and then most recently, photography. I am attracted to ideas more than process, and love how new tools flatten the earth, and give more and more of us a chance to be creative.

My photography has run the gamut - from the dark room in high school where I seemed to love multiple exposures more than most, then live concerts, an emphasis on black and white architecture, and dabbling with SLR’s, until coming to my most recent body of work, which is a series entitled ‘Post All Bills.’ The series was born in New York City, where you can’t help but pass by various Post No Bills walls, of which everyone, quite predictably, posts bills. Ads for concerts, products, anything, really. As they are worn, tattered, torn at, and obliterated by humans, moisture, sun, and wind, they yield layers, segments, and compositions that please me to no end.

Finding them is the first part. Being lucky enough to coincide with them, temporally. After that it is up to me to turn them into more, to discover what else they have to offer, manipulating them in post-production, creating new moments that never existed.

This series has been shot entirely on iPhones. I am not a purist, a snob, or one of these people that thinks because they spent more money on their equipment that they are inherently better at what they do, or that photography isn’t actually more about awareness and light than tech snobbery.

My work is accessible, born from the street, made in cities, and the product of one question: what does it look like from over there? And how can I bring this to life in a new way, a way that makes someone feel good, lose time, and enjoy.


It was funny to show my work recently at Gallery Cafe on North Avenue - shifting my perspective from advocate to artist and feeling a bit shy about my newfound role.

I will be releasing a new batch of prints in my shop soon, as well as a special edition large format piece that I am really excited to share… and which you can uncover a sneak peek of if you head to my instagram account…

I also plan to release certain pieces only via Instagram, as well as some smaller pieces, and a few variant sets.

If you didn’t know I have a Virtual Art Gallery experience on my website (and why would you, I really haven’t told anyone, lol) - go check it out!

A really cool organization called CultureVerse out of Michigan helped sort that for me, and they do so for many other artists as well, as far as helping us create these virtual experiences of our work.

Thanks for your time & attention!

- Ev

An Update by Evan La Ruffa

Hey folks!

I want to thank everyone who is still on this list… it has existed for many years now and has always been a vague intersection point, which is part of why I think I have had a hard time keeping it consistent.

Life is busy with family, business, and art, as well as all the mundane, trivial, ironic, interesting, hard, and exciting things about life.

It’s also why I plan on using this space a little differently, and wanted to let you know in case it wasn’t something you wanted to keep getting.

In short, it’s going to be broader, not more specific.

You might hear about something we’re working on IPaintMyMind, the latest art I am working on, a quick reflection, a mention of a project of mine or one I find inspiring, etc etc etc etc.

As such, IPaintMyMind recently approved an exciting 2-year plan that will see us donate 365 pieces of art totaling $73,000 to Chicago Public Schools and investing in more outreach to art teachers nationwide. I had my first solo art show at Gallery Cafe which is closing soon, and have some other fun things in the work with respect to my own art.

I’ve also been building up a new project managing and representing artists, as well as working with residential clients on building their art collections.

Our family has some big plans and I’m excited about how life is changing, morphing, flipping and finding new ways to engage, entice, and perplex me.

I hope you’re well…

And I hope you’ll stay…

Un abrazo fuerte.

Don't let it go unsaid by Evan La Ruffa

So much goes unsaid in life.

But it doesn’t need to. In fact, it shouldn’t.

We often are so worried about whether or not what we say will be accepted, when really, we should be thinking about how what we have to say so desperately needs to be heard.

I’m not talking about telling someone off or leaning in to bravado.

I am talking about that short, supportive ditty.

That extra thing that will lift someone else, which takes 5 seconds, and costs absolutely nothing.

We each are so much for so many people.

Let them know that when they are their authentic selves, kind, brilliant, creative, sweet, supportive, successful, or just try hard… that they have “made it.”

Let others know when you appreciate, look up to, or see them for who they are.

There is nothing more connective than that.

How is culture by Evan La Ruffa

It’s all about HOW we do what we do…

The quality, feeling, tact, aroma, craft, style, and energy of it.

How we speak to each other….

How we listen…..

How we get things done.

How is culture.

A shared vision for the hue, the je ne sais quoi of the work or mission we build together.

There are tons of ways to get somewhere, but the energy we imbue the project with is paramount.

Goals by Evan La Ruffa

Setting goals is the type of audacious act that propels plans into reality.

They’re not corny, they’re empowering.

Own and activate your possibility.

Think. Say. Do.

Have the thought, write it down and share it with others, then implement the plan!

Note: the first two parts are actually the hardest part….

I am finalizing my goals for 2024 and will share them so that you all can help me make them real.

Thanks in advance!

Illuminate the in-between by Evan La Ruffa

Often times there are ideas and words that get stuck in the middle.

They go unsaid, although not often unthought. That’s why they linger, getting caught in nets of individuality.

We omit things because we don’t want to offend, which produces a situation where people are operating on incomplete or not entirely authentic data.

And at the end of the day, we can only go on what people say, not some assumption about their thoughts & feelings.

That’s why it’s so vital to illuminate the in-between and bring voice to the unique value that accompanies each and every one of us.

This isn’t about being unfiltered, overly blunt or uncaring about how our words land. Quite the opposite.

It’s caring about how they land so much that we…

  1. Structure our feedback

  2. Imbue it with empathy

  3. Admit that what we offer might not be a complete solution

  4. And be precise enough with our vocabulary so that softness and directness travel together

I could blow smoke up your ass but that surely feels like a waste of time… for all of us.

If you’re kind, illuminate the in-between.

1% v 100% by Evan La Ruffa

Less than 1% of art is investible, but 100% of art is enjoyable.

What do I mean?

I mean that the vast majority of art that is made is valuable because of our experience of it.

We can hang it on the wall or install it and enjoy it.

It makes our life better by being part of our space and experience.

The vast minority are assets to be purchased as a means of preserving wealth or increasing wealth through a higher valuation of that asset.

Buy art becuase it makes you feel something, not because it may be a hot stock to own in the future.

Or at least know the difference and understand the value of your enjoyment as opposed to the proliferation of your portfolio.

Insist on process by Evan La Ruffa

Process is intentionality, communication, and craft all wrapped up in one beautiful package.

We can’t achieve what we want with a project if we don’t create the conditions for getting it done.

Process then is about how we work together.

What we’re focused on, how we speak to each other, and the way we actually solve the problems our company, organization, or group is dedicated to.

1. Set an intention — in what spirit do we come together?

2. Review communication strategy — how & when do we chat, exchange ideas, send communiques, and share info?

3. Set clear next steps — how does the craft of our work together line up in a numbered sequence, both setting expectations and providing clarity with respect to how we do what we do?

Clear processes mean we can actually get the work done… and efficiently!

Without it we often flail, circle back, reiterate, talk over each other, duplicate efforts, operate with different info sets, and generally, ride the hamster wheel of constantly working with little impact or effect.

Insist on process.

Not out of correction or ridicule, but as the lens for which we see a productive, positive, and impactful path forward.

Aesthetics & emotions by Evan La Ruffa

They’re inextricably linked. Always.

And if we think on it for a minute, it becomes obvious.

Beautiful museum foyers feel a certain way. Cramped, dark spaces feel another way.

Green & yellow feel different. Red & black too.

I care about aesthetics because I’m attuned to how they make me feel.

What aesthetics make you feel the way you want to or wish to? Ponder and make note.

Then make one change at a time… until it feels the way you’d like it to.

Not just in your spaces, but in your mind too.

I wish for this for all of us by Evan La Ruffa

The thing about joy is that it's magnetic.

It's fuel for connection, a 100% renewable resource we communicate in our everyday. Little things, mostly. Smiles, small words, often aware, empathetic and conscious, all at the same time.

But it's a presence to lean into if we can get past the struggle we all traverse: ya know, being human.

We’re so small, yet so significant.

We’re individuals, yet so connected.

And getting trapped in a negative headspace is THE main factor keeping us from being a joyful presence for those around us.

So if we feel the capacity to give this type of positive, abundant energy, we should.

Every time.

And no worries, there’s no exclusivity agreement to it either. Being positive, kind, joyous, and magnetic isn’t a commitment to not being down, confused, or anxious sometimes. We all should reserve that right because I’m pretty sure those emotions are universal too.

Life isn’t always easy.

But if we can put out this force multiplier, this catalyst of seeing and being seen, we are as purposeful as a human can be.

I wish for this for all of us.

Abundant thinking isn't woo woo by Evan La Ruffa

Abundant thinking and feeling isn't about woo woo, incense, and wishes.

It's about stacking a pattern of successes in a way that sets you up for the next move.

This means that...

1) Visions for projects are not immaculately dropped into our brains
2) Testing is a necessary requirement
3) The people served are the experts, and
4) Empathy goes a long way

Because it gets us asking ourselves...

What does that person or community need?

But the truth is that our answer to that question matters much less than the answer given by the people we serve.

Vision, test, communicate... repeat.

Stack 8 of those successful cycles and you'll be surprised by how keen your visions become.

Even Steve Jobs didn't have it all figured out... by Evan La Ruffa

The truth is, even Steve Jobs didn't have it all figured out from the outset.

Our culture mistakenly overvalues visionaries who seem to have realized a fully mature and successful vision in its first iteration.

The biggest companies on the planet found that success after changing their core product.

Ya know, tiny little companies like Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Nintendo, & The Gap.

Even Steve Jobs, the patron saint of creative entrepreneurial genius, pivoted. Huge pivots, big operational shifts, brand new core products.

The more salient point, I think, is that he saw the pivots ahead of time and built real roads to achieving the companies' new goals.

The perfect project, business, company, or product will not just land in your awareness as if manna in the desert.

But it could very well arise from some big ideas, important questions, and utterly vital tests.

Down with Leaf Blowers! by Evan La Ruffa

Leaf blowers are the most American thing ever.

Get off my lawn leaves! Off you go into the street or the neighbors lawn! Not my problem anymore!

Leaf blowers are a solution for one person that creates a problem for others.

This type of behavior is anti-social and inherently selfish. It’s also emblematic of other ways our culture misses the forest for the trees.

We teach kids to be conscientious about the ways their actions affect others, it’s time more adults acted like they understood this.

It’s also about time we began realizing that we’re all connected, and acted accordingly.

Cold emotional states might not give a fuck about other people but they certainly should. What’s more, we’d gain a lot collectively if we re-evaluated the way solutions for us create new problems for others.

Privates schools, tax evasion, overuse of plastics, The Republican Party.

Down with leaf blowers!

Both physical and emotional.