Down with Leaf Blowers! / by Evan La Ruffa

Leaf blowers are the most American thing ever.

Get off my lawn leaves! Off you go into the street or the neighbors lawn! Not my problem anymore!

Leaf blowers are a solution for one person that creates a problem for others.

This type of behavior is anti-social and inherently selfish. It’s also emblematic of other ways our culture misses the forest for the trees.

We teach kids to be conscientious about the ways their actions affect others, it’s time more adults acted like they understood this.

It’s also about time we began realizing that we’re all connected, and acted accordingly.

Cold emotional states might not give a fuck about other people but they certainly should. What’s more, we’d gain a lot collectively if we re-evaluated the way solutions for us create new problems for others.

Privates schools, tax evasion, overuse of plastics, The Republican Party.

Down with leaf blowers!

Both physical and emotional.