2024 was fun, different, tumultuous, exciting, new, familiar, and forward thinking.
I think if I had to encapsulate it, the vibe would be CHANGE.
We’re moving to Oaxaca for 5 months today, so the feels most pressing. But this was a year for growth.
In my work, in my art, in my marriage, and as a human being who is uncovering himself bit by bit.
This year, there was more nuance to my experience, and for someone who feels deeply and is in his head a lot, 2024 felt like a bit much, lol. A lot of self-reflection, a lot of work, more time idle than frantic, and a few struggles and major takeaways that I have noted.
In 2024, I was able to…
place my original art in 3 shows
Make hundreds of pieces of original art
Doubt myself more than ever
make art with a few hundred kids over various events
print 300 t-shirts in 3 hrs with a bunch of folks at The Prudential Building
work with a few artists on managing their projects
Fly to Atlanta for a day to see the GIANTS and Greg Mike shows, I also got to stroll the The Beltline in Atlanta earlier in the spring
Fail as a father at least once every day
Succeed as a father at least once every day
Donate art supplies to over 120 special needs students in Los Angeles
Challenge my self-perception in ways that was hard, but which I think will allow me to continue doing things I love that might feel risky, but which show me I am on the right track
Discover shooting photos at night for my artwork
Attend Frieze Art Fair at the Santa Monica Airport
Envision and Implement a 2-yr plan for IPaintMyMind that achieves scale through nationwide impact, something I never thought we’d be able to do
Begin couples therapy and find yet another amazing level of my relationship with Lindsey… though hard work, vulnerability, and consistency
Cry from sheer overload of inspiration and beauty various times, mostly when listening to music, predominantly the track Moon and Sunlight by Tobe Nwigwe
Do a bunch of therapy on my own
Stub my toe way too many times
Have tough, honest, as well as new and cathartic conversations with friends I love
Get back to meditating regularly which always makes me feel better, which annoys me, because I fall off the wagon and know meditation grounds me and makes me better, so I truly hope to stop falling off this important wagon
Learn ChatGPT, Sintra and a few other ai tools that will serve me very well
Buy a new camera to rock in Oaxaca in 2025
Set a few boundaries with my phone & social media to support my mental health
Hit King Spa more than usual
Hang with dear friends in St. Louis a handful of times
Let people help me
Have a massive realization about my emotional landscape and the stories I tell myself
Enjoy various trips to LA to watch my beloved LAFC (with Enzo) and buddies!
Further my understanding of my anxiety, how it shows up, and how I can do myself favors in keeping it at bay, or managing it better
Get a tattoo commemorating my favorite cheeseburger spot with my brother (in law) and bestie, Mark Glower
Learn a lot about real estate investing, might have to make a move!
Visit Northern Wisconsin with family
Acknowledge some of my real ones that I benefit so much from having them in my life
Work with 3 of my favorite artists on a massive 5 mural project at Sabin Elementary School for IPaintMyMind
Visit family and stay on the beach in Florida
Watch Enzo fully experience the cycle of failure, picking himself back up, giving his all, and feeling great about it - he made a mistake costing his team a goal in an important game, was distraught, then got back out there and led the team to victory. I was so proud of his resilience. The result was nice too, lol.
See Jean Baptiste live at The Salt Shed
Install work for a dear friend and client in their new offices in The Old Post Office building
Drink 71 Espresso Tonics and 800+ pour overs … that is a ballpark estimate
Hang one on with Mike Han
Donate over $100k worth of art to CPS schools via IPaintMyMind
Add various fitted New Era 5950 caps to my extensive (obsessive) collection
Give a grant to Rapbrary via IPMM, a nonprofit library and literary project founded by my buddy, Roy Kinsey, to buy banned books and initial capital to build the project up
Eat at an amazing Southside greasy spoon with Brian Flannery
Host IPMMs 1st teacher event in Los Angeles to kick off the 2024/25 school year
Go to Allegan, MI w the boys and family friends
Ask my kids if they have feedback for me as a parent… careful, this is pandora’s box, I am not sure I want all their feedback lol
Rekindle a bromance with my guy Loren Nunley and reconnect with some old friends
Get Lindsey and I’s saving and investing plan together
Manage and execute a massive custom mural project by Lisa Quine for PepsiCo in Dallas, TX
Visit Oaxaca to scout our trip and spend 3 days in Mexico City (one of my favorite places in the world)
Visit New York Bagel & Bialy what feels like at least a dozen times for my NY Breakfast, sausage egg and cheese with extra cheese, mish mosh bagel
Get new glasses because apparently my eyes aren’t working as well as they used to
Think a lot about what I want to do with the rest of my life
Apparently, a lot got done, in fact.
But I happen to be less concerned with that going forward than enjoying my time on this earth and providing for my family…..
I think when many of us look back, we’ll realize that a lot of little things added up.
They tend to.
Regardless of where we are on the calendar.
I also am clear that CHANGE is not to be avoided, but embraced… even when we are made uncomfortable by it.
Stay tuned for art updates (I look forward to making a lot in Mexico) as well as taking many art workshops in various mediums, and I’ll be sure to provide a Note to Self here and there, and who knows what else!?!?!?!
I appreciate you for reading this far.
I am excited about the future.
And I hope you are too.
I would love to hear what themes, challenges, ideas, or new paths forward you discovered in 2024, as wells what headspace you’re in as 2025 launches…………..
Be in touch……..