I love working with teachers and schools by Evan La Ruffa

I love working with teachers and schools.

Something about the mix of mission, dedication, work ethic, and education is uncanny & uplifting.

Just like anytime someone achieves greatness against all the odds. And make no mistake, teachers fall squarely in that role day after day.

Teachers do what they do because of a core belief that a great education is one of the greatest gifts you can give a young person, and society-at-large.

Next time you experience top-notch integrity from your kids teachers, tell them you appreciate their tireless effort.

Teachers certainly don't do it to get rich.

And your kind words might mean that a tired teacher finds the energy to believe they can do it again today.

Teachers are heroes.

Let's do a better job of letting them know that.

The future favors anyone who... by Evan La Ruffa

Artists & creatives are the fastest growing segment of entrepreneurs out there.


Because the pace of the world, the economy, and the future, favors anyone who...

1. Has new ideas often.
2. Knows how to make stuff (including services)
3. Isn't shy about trying new ways of creating beautiful, useful, or fun things, whether they be items or experiences.

The reality is that creativity is a muscle that builds. It can be applied to any line of work or mission, so why not teach our kids to ideate, test, and refine?

A 60-second analysis proves that art is both a skill and a way of being.

Either way, we can learn it.

And it makes a huge difference. Of the people you know who are launching new businesses, how many of them have either a artful offering or a creative way of delivering value?

These my friends, are artists (& sometimes they're in disguise).

Place is about more than just our location by Evan La Ruffa

The equation for liking your job has totally changed.

It’s gotten a lot more practical, real, & personal.

Colleagues kids invading Zoom calls, family logistics reworked, and a fresh face to the employer/employee relationship.

But all we want is for work to be a part of our lives, as opposed to the entire thing.

That’s why offices need to be cooler & teams need to be agile, both of which prove that location is more about workflow, process, & collaboration that just clocking in.

Companies that…

1. Embrace art in their office & culture

2. Help employees engage outside of the deliverables of the job, and

3. Give back to real causes that create a sense of mission beyond the logo…

… will all have the upper hand.

Art, connection, community.

We need them across our entire lives to be healthy, happy, & productive.

Luckily, employers seem to be getting the memo … slowly.

One pivot could change the entire nonprofit sector forever by Evan La Ruffa

One pivot could change the entire nonprofit sector forever.

Shift to micro grants.

We need to ditch the 3-year 150k cash bomb for one organization approach and turn it into a ton of grants for various organizations that actually supports the ecosystem.

They don’t do it because…

1. It would mean more work.

2. Foundations are not socially connected to that many important orgs (even though we are all out here).

3. It would mean more costs for them to ensure the organizations were supported as to how to catalyze the grant.

4. It wouldn’t mitigate risk for their donors.

5. Most importantly, it would mean achieving the actual impact that would make them less relevant as gatekeepers to huge piles of cash.

Nonprofits need to build foundations out of their pie. The longer they are relied on, the longer our causes & communities will suffer.

The entire future of the sector and the impact of the work is at stake.

Art is not a lottery ticket by Evan La Ruffa

Art is not a lottery ticket.

In 99.9999% of instances, it is not a financial investment. It's not a stock, a part of an investment portfolio, or the crown jewel in a 1%'ers home.

Art is a vibration. It's an experience that is felt inside our bodies and minds.

Art is every movie that made you cry, every mural that stopped you in your tracks, & every song you stayed in your car to listen to until it was over.

Art is an experience that challenges us to think outside the box, to get comfortable with our emotions, and to be a new version of ourselves.

Ask your investment advisor about net worth.

Ask art about yourself.

Particularly potent... by Evan La Ruffa

Life requires that we invest positive energy without assurances.

If we always wait until we're sure reciprocation is guaranteed, we never unlock the ways positive, proactive, and genuinely generous actions can catapult us and our cause forward.

I find the following types of contributions to be particularly potent:

1. Be kind - it's free, and it's a product of our internal state. If we get OK, we're a beacon.

2. Be generous - give your friend the larger half of the orange. Like when you split it open and one piece lingers on a half making it slightly larger. Give that piece to your companion.

3. Watch out for others - we all have our focus, but making sure others are OK is an awareness that goes far. Helping and advocating on behalf of others is awesome.

4. Have fun - joy is a magnet.

5. Work hard - think of it as an investment. You're investing in the you of tomorrow having options, experience, and the greatest perk of all, loving your work.

Positive actions are the snowball of inevitability that result in great outcomes as it gains size and rolls down hill.

Doing good feels good. ie. We're ahead already.

And reciprocation isn't the goal, but it is often a lovely consequence.

Starving artist = bullshit by Evan La Ruffa

The term 'starving artist' is really just a bogus trope.

In 2023, artists and creatives are the ones who have the most self-employment and entrepreneurial options available to them.

What's more, the only people I hear talking about starving artists aren't even artists themselves.

This notion is just a way to ...

1. Devalue art's role in our lives - because most adults have been told it's not a viable path to anything (despite the reality is that all of us love art of some sort, have experienced it in our lives, and save hard-earned money to spend on it).

2. Push 'safe' conformity - regardless of culture, there is a global view about what professions are respectable, profitable.

3. To rationalize the two points above.

The reality is that the artists I know are some of the most employable, paid, talented, determined, creative, and entrepreneurial people I know.

There's too many of us out here disproving the point for you to hear me echo it in any way.

Art = possibility

Nonprofits need to evolve by Evan La Ruffa

Nonprofits need to evolve.

What do they say about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Insanity.

As a Nonprofit Executive, the most sales emails I get are from people pitching me CRM's to manage donors.

IPaintMyMind is built on value creation, not donors, so that doesn't make sense for us. but there is a more point at play.....

Nonprofits still largely think about revenue generation within the context of solicitation. Asking for money. Donations.

And grants. Another form of asking for money.

Straight B2C fundraising will only work for the Top .001% of nonprofits that have international brand recognition and sponsor advertising space on soccer teams jerseys.

If groveling isn't sustainable, I suggest we ask more questions about what is.

The mission is at stake.

AI, UBI, and us. by Evan La Ruffa

While certain jobs or vocations certainly have impact and give us a sense of mission and purpose, I have never believed that humans need a job to be valuable.

Capitalism has mercilessly coupled our innate value as people with our productivity as workers.

We used to value hard work and now we value what we deem to be ‘smart work.’

But I believe that we are all equally valuable and deserve equal rights, completely aside from what profession we partake in or where we clock in or out.

What’s more, I believe AI (artificial intelligence) and UBI (universal basic income) will dance together, and that the closer we get to full automation, whether machines or computers, we will continue to outmode more and more work we used to pay people to do, and we will need to drastically re-evaluate the way we value ourselves, each other, and our shared experience.

The shift will be from productivity to quality of life.

Instead of working on what has to get done to operate, we can turn to thinking about what needs to get done to live well.

He’s your disbursement, now go make the world a better place.

What are your thoughts on AI, UBI, and us?

Overhead isn’t legitimacy. by Evan La Ruffa

Rent & staffing are two (cost-inducing) actions taken by businesses that make it feel real.

Yet most businesses in 2023 don’t require either one.

If you’ve taken on rental cost for a space for your business, I pray to God that you have regular sales as a result of that location!

If you’re paying someone to work in your business, I pray to God you have paid yourself enough first.

The last thing you should do is sign a lease for your business, unless it’s a way to leverage an already existing brand that has enough equity so that you’re 99% sure the business driven by having that brick and mortar, will far out surpass your new costs.

A lease is not your marketing.

Marketing is not your lease.

And if you’re not paying yourself enough to feel comfortable and make abundant and strategic decisions in your day to day, you can’t afford the staff you’ve hired.

Attention and enrollment, first.

Then we can consider a lease (but probably not) and staff (which is definitely a good idea).

Overhead isn’t legitimacy.

Profits and impact are.

Blow up the hamster wheel! by Evan La Ruffa

What are we actually solving for?

As much as our culture values action, not stopping to think strategically can mean riding hamster wheel 24/7 and an incredible amount of waste.

So if we're going to spend time finding a better way to do something, it better:

1. Save us time - not once, but repeatedly.

2. Save us money - not just today, every day.

3. Increase impact / growth / profits - not just this year, for years to come.

But if we're working on something that takes hours and budget and effort, and that barely moves the needle............

We need to kill that idea and move on to the work that actually does.

A dirty secret in the nonprofit sector by Evan La Ruffa

There is a dirty secret in the nonprofit sector.

Foundations are predominantly streamlined tax havens.

And they’re surely not experts on how to create, deliver, or assess nonprofit programs.

Yet most nonprofits are told that the best way to survive is to cozy up and learn how to regurgitate impact jargon.

Nonprofits that fund themselves without foundations have a few benefits:

1. There’s no need to justify the organization to anyone other than the community served.
2. You avoid competing with other similar organizations.
3. You dispel the myth that cozying up and groveling is a sustainable strategy.

Don’t build to justify, build to deliver value.

Positively Reframing Nonprofits As ‘Mission-Driven Organizations’ by Evan La Ruffa

As the Founder and Executive Director of IPaintMyMind, a nonprofit arts organization & gallery in Chicago, decoding the term ‘nonprofit’ feels like my job sometimes.

Some of the questions I get are as follows…

Why don’t you wanna make money? Do you hate capitalism? So how do you survive?

To which the answers are…

I do in fact want to make money, no I don’t hate capitalism (but I do think it needs a wake-up call), and by working hard.

The other non-verbal response is a sideways look residing somewhere between disgust, distrust, and ignorance. What’s more, it’s not their fault. The work nonprofit organizations do has been poorly explained to the public mostly because there hasn’t been anyone whose job it was to do exactly that, as Dan Palotta explains in Charity Case (a must-read for anyone in the sector). Luckily, the Charity Defense Council now exists & other nonprofit leaders are thinking along the lines of managing our collective message… so we’re getting there.

As I often say to people, and it’s a line I probably usurped from someone smarter than I, 501(c)(3) charitable status is a tax designation from the IRS, not a business plan. In this sense, nonprofit organizations still need to think about treading water financially, what’s more, they should be thinking about swimming ahead & scaling their impact.

What good are we doing for the mission we say we’re so dedicated to if our organization no longer exists, can’t scale impact, and can’t keep top talent?

The reality is that the term ‘nonprofit’ does the charitable sector a disservice, and there are a few reasons why.

  1. Non-profit is a negative statement. In certain marketing collateral, differentiating yourself can be of use, but we’re talking about a tax designation here. As Adam Braun from Pencil’s for Promise says, “we don’t do this not to make money, we do it for the mission.” I suggest we trash the terms “for profit” and “non profit” and replace them with the terms Private and Mission-Driven.

2. Non-profit implies an inherent lack of focus on finances, and

3. The term non-profit cripples the sector’s own ability to think in terms of business viability, earned income & financial wellness, which is all part of a healthy, functioning mission-based company as well.

All of this is why, at IPaintMyMind, we’ve been really focused on building a business model that would support the continuation of our mission in its current form, but that would also support the scalability of our impact.

Our mission is to make art accessible to everyone, and by transforming private & public spaces through temporary art gallery exhibitions via our Shared Walls™ program, we’re doing exactly that.

To learn more about how we’ve placed earned income & real value at the heart of driving social impact through the arts, read up on Shared Walls & find out how you can help put art everywhere.

I’d also like to appeal to the United States government and the Internal Revenue Service to officially re-evaluate the terminology we use to delineate the Mission-Based Companies in our country.

If you agree, please share, repost, or tweet this article.

Our words define our ideas.

In this case, the particular words we choose should reinforce a positive paradigm, make the general public more aware of how Mission-Driven Organizations work, and create evolution within the charitable sector that focuses on the financial sustainability of projects that have the potential to change the course of history.

So… ya know… there’s massive upside.

Join us.

Can ain’t should! by Evan La Ruffa

Using ‘can’ in place of ‘should’ means waste.

Wasted time, energy, money, effort.

Being can-do is a great thing, but not knowing when can actually means shouldn’t is a trap.

‘Can’ is a doorway, not an action.

Can you? Yes.

But you can do a lot of things. And many of them are terrible ideas.

But… should you?

Well that is a totally different question.

Making art isn't about becoming an artist. by Evan La Ruffa

Making art isn't about becoming an artist.

Although that is the knock-on affect of people trying their hands at creative pursuits. We become inspired, we get better at using our tools, and we make more art.

But the true value is what the process of making art yields for our confidence in trusting ourselves to...

1. Have an idea

2. Set it up

3. Test it

This process builds a muscle.

This muscle is creative and productive, and it can't help but contribute.

Making art isn't about becoming an artist...

It's about learning to trust ourselves to contribute!!!

Circles & squares by Evan La Ruffa

Squares need circles to make things interesting, to liven things up, to add color to the monochrome.

Circles need squares to hit deadlines, outline, extoll process, and be on time.

This means us circles need to show up as we are, not hiding our true colors or holding back. It also means we need to be fair about the value the squares bring too.

In fact, this is really about alchemy, not puzzle pieces.

It’s about not letting our seemingly fundamental differences get in the way. The function should be addition, after all, we’re on the same team.

It should be a dance, not a struggle.

And the result, should be awesome.

Post All Bills No. 9,017 (South of the Split) by Evan La Ruffa

Post All Bills No. 9,017 (South of the Split) …

the latest, harvested in-between time and South of the Split.

The practice is simple, and although I miss spots that morph, the supply is endless, just like ideas. I’m convinced (after a few reflections) that it’s just about being open to channeling it. A conduit for something new, a pole in a lightning storm, a temporary vessel.

Funny thing is, so are we!

My New Constraint in 2023 by Evan La Ruffa

Hey friends… it’s been a while… and instead of proclamations about posting more this year and all that yada yada, I can concretely say, that progress has been made in recent years.

Often as a result of constraints that were then adapted to, or which helped me prioritize the next most important contribution.

Existentially, I’m still floating and unsure like the rest of you.

But reducing the sauce of strategic input and the resulting outputs, is something I can feel myself getting better at. That said, here are some things I actually got done…

But in 2023, I will have a new constraint, and my hope is that writing and publishing about this will help me make it happen…

I won’t be working on IPMM at all on Wednesdays. I will use the day to develop some other projects, including my own art, new business ideas, as well as take time to rest, relax, enjoy art/film/music, and to take time to be with my wife, Lindsey.

What new constraint might help you in 2023?

Two new prints by Evan La Ruffa

Over the last month or so, I’ve been traveling a good amount for work (and some fun), which has allowed me to snap up some photos in some of my favorite places, which have made for some of my favorite artwork.

My found-street-art-photography-meets-a-remix is exactly that, the process of being aware, harvesting, and remixing.

(I am happy to tell you more about how I make these prints, just email me!)

I am super happy with the two latest prints being released (which are available in my shop as of this morning) which were made in Los Angeles a few weeks ago. Each print is a Limited Edition 1 of 1, Signed and Numbered, and printed on silver paper, which will give these prints an incredible, iridescent, and silver look and feel.

Post All Bills No. 765 and 766 can exist entirely on their own, or uncannily as a pair.


Thanks for your attention! :)

Constraints by Evan La Ruffa

They help give the thing actual shape, focus, and clarity.

Are we brainstorming or honing? Dreaming or doing? Asking or answering?

All are worthwhile, and I can’t help but laugh at my former self. A younger guy who rebuffed any attempt at limitation. And it’s because I used to view it as precisely that - holding me up, keeping me trapped, encircling me, a feeling of being un-free.

A common view for a young buck.

I’ve since found constraints to be brilliant fuel for the active part of making - not the plotting, planning, and unreal (literally just not real yet) ideations that remain in the land of the undone.

No, no, no. The fuel brings abut the productive work that moves the thing closer to reality.

Guardrails, constraints, boundaries, or rules help us stay active. They help us create the thing we always hoped for by giving it a nudge into the realm of the practical, valuable, useful, or beautiful.

The first constraint though, is getting it out of our heads and onto paper.

Get it out, give it shape, make it real.