While certain jobs or vocations certainly have impact and give us a sense of mission and purpose, I have never believed that humans need a job to be valuable.
Capitalism has mercilessly coupled our innate value as people with our productivity as workers.
We used to value hard work and now we value what we deem to be ‘smart work.’
But I believe that we are all equally valuable and deserve equal rights, completely aside from what profession we partake in or where we clock in or out.
What’s more, I believe AI (artificial intelligence) and UBI (universal basic income) will dance together, and that the closer we get to full automation, whether machines or computers, we will continue to outmode more and more work we used to pay people to do, and we will need to drastically re-evaluate the way we value ourselves, each other, and our shared experience.
The shift will be from productivity to quality of life.
Instead of working on what has to get done to operate, we can turn to thinking about what needs to get done to live well.
He’s your disbursement, now go make the world a better place.
What are your thoughts on AI, UBI, and us?