Insist on process / by Evan La Ruffa

Process is intentionality, communication, and craft all wrapped up in one beautiful package.

We can’t achieve what we want with a project if we don’t create the conditions for getting it done.

Process then is about how we work together.

What we’re focused on, how we speak to each other, and the way we actually solve the problems our company, organization, or group is dedicated to.

1. Set an intention — in what spirit do we come together?

2. Review communication strategy — how & when do we chat, exchange ideas, send communiques, and share info?

3. Set clear next steps — how does the craft of our work together line up in a numbered sequence, both setting expectations and providing clarity with respect to how we do what we do?

Clear processes mean we can actually get the work done… and efficiently!

Without it we often flail, circle back, reiterate, talk over each other, duplicate efforts, operate with different info sets, and generally, ride the hamster wheel of constantly working with little impact or effect.

Insist on process.

Not out of correction or ridicule, but as the lens for which we see a productive, positive, and impactful path forward.