Notes to Self

Notes to Self: The pendulum by Evan La Ruffa

Pendulum’s have a way about them.

From one side to other, swinging with all their inertia, and slamming against the other side before replicating its emphatic movement in the opposite direction.

Sometimes it feels like my emotions are a pendulum too…

It depends on the day, but I notice that whatever the last stimulus, data, or messaging is, it tends to win out in the immediate term.

Some unexpected cost, problem, or issue swings my emotional pendulum wayward.

I am working on moderating this swing.

I am working on understanding how to perhaps swing less forcefully…

I’d be interested in what you do when you feel your pendulum swing…

After all, stories are examples of solutions.

Notes to Self: Real differentiation by Evan La Ruffa

Who someone else is doesn't matter.

Lean into who YOU are.

Why? Well didn't we all learn about differentiation?

If you wanna build a better Kleenex box, be my guest, I'm just not sure doing what others are doing is going to produce decoupled results.

In this sense, decoupling means blue water. New heights. Real innovation. Not just incremental iteration.

Every time I lean into being me, it works.

Every time I try to be like someone else, it really doesn't.

Notes to Self: The Secret to Investing by Evan La Ruffa

Work, testing, learning and becoming better at what we do and who we are, is the investment.

You must have known I wasn’t talking about stocks and bonds.

If the investment is the time we spend on the things we care about, then maybe the nonlinear growth of an investment portfolio is actually a good example.

Some days we are up.

Some days we are down.

But long term investment means taking our lumps, staying determined, and moving forward with the plan.

The plan can change (what stocks we invest in) but the approach (investment) stays the same.

The secret to investing is knowing that that’s what we’re doing.

So let’s go ‘head now…


Notes to Self: On Noticing by Evan La Ruffa

Making art means noticing.

Noticing color, line, shadow, texture, & light.

Another big thing you notice when making art is an internal compulsion to propel a certain perspective into making it real.

Turning a thought about approach into a series of actions producing the art itself is a lot of fun.

It feels like cooking.

Or magic.

Don’t forget to notice…

(Inside and outside ourselves.)

Notes to Self: On Priorities by Evan La Ruffa

Priorities are an editing mechanism.

When our lists are short, we eliminate the space trash around our work (or life), and focus.

This means…

1. Needles move, they don’t wobble.

2. Anxiety is reduced greatly.

3. Things slow down - something most of us say we want.

3 items.

That’s it.

Noon will be here soon.

No need to cloud our brains and fire off stress responses.

Priorities mean we know what we have to do.

Notes to Self: On DOINGNESS by Evan La Ruffa

As a way to differentiate things a bit, I’m creating a few categories for my blog posts to help readers, friends, collectors, and colleagues tap in to the aspects of what I do that interest them.

Notes to Self will be the types of small reflections I’ve often shared here. Little ditties, takeaways, or patterns recognized. Mostly in myself, but also likely, in us.

Energy transference happens when we give and receive, and a self-perpetuating cycle of reciprocity ensues with most of existence. I have no silver bullet for eliminating all friction, tension, and doubt.

But I do have 41 years of data that reminds me that we get what we put in, and that stimulating this self-perpetuating cycle of DOINGNESS is magic.

Give, take, seed, and work.